The Future Kind Collective

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Framework: Delivering feedback

Best for: In the moment feedback and 1-1s

When to use it: When you need to provide critical feedback to a team mate or client, and to support you in challenging conversations. This is particularly helpful if you’ve observed somebody undermining your company values.

Purpose: To provide feedback that encourages positive, long-lasting change, in a way that is firm and fair.

How to:

  1. Before providing feedback to a team mate or client, use the C.O.I.N framework as guidance too help structure your conversation. Reflect on the feedback you want to give using the following prompts:

    • Context: define the circumstances, event or issue that you want to discuss.

    • Observation: be specific, and provide factual descriptions (not opinions) of what has happened.

    • Impact: describe how the event or issue that you're discussing affects others in your team, your organisation or your client(s).

    • Next steps: provide a clear outline on the changes or improvements in behaviour or performance that you expect going forward.

  2. Follow-up with a note capturing the conversation and the agreed next steps.

💡 Feedback top tips

How we share feedback is often dependant on the setting and the language we use to deliver it. Here’s some things to consider when applying the C.O.I.N Framework:

  • Provide feedback in a 1-1 setting

  • Apply the “Praise in public, coach in private” rule.

  • Where possible avoid negative language, and use language that builds on what the other person has e.g. “Yes, and…” instead of “But, no…”

  • Build in time to listen to the recipients thoughts, feedback and challenges

  • Remember: Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.