Framework: Team alignment

Best for: Individual and group settings

When to use it: Apply this framework in preparation for your weekly stand ups, and keep it as a backlog of your team’s activities.

Purpose: To ensure your team communicates well in a way that is clear and aligned.

How to:

Introducing the "3Ps" framework, your secret weapon for team alignment and effective communication. 🚀

It’s one of our (many) rituals here at The Future Kind - every Monday without fail, we take 15 minutes to each go through the 3Ps. Not only does it help us stay on top of things – it also helps us at holding each other accountable

  • Progress: Share your wins from the past week. What did you accomplish? What did you tick off your to-do list? This keeps everyone in the loop about the great things happening across the team.

  • Plan: Outline your priorities for the upcoming week. What are you focusing on? Any big calls in your calendar? This helps you stay accountable to each other, communicate what will be on our minds this week, and ensures that everyone is moving in sync and working towards shared goals.

  • Please: Any roadblocks in your way? What do you need input on? Let your team know you need support. This creates a culture of collaboration, where everyone pitches in to overcome challenges together.

This easy-to-use framework is your go-to for quick and efficient weekly check-ins, especially for remote or hybrid teams. It's not just about staying on top of things – it's about holding each other accountable and driving towards those OKRs.

We keep ours all in one-place as a collaborative feed-style Notion page. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!


Ask the EXpert: How to get my team buy-in on the OKRs?


AI meets Culture: Use cases for getting the most out of both