Framework: Self-reflection for effective leaders

Best for: Individual and group settings

When to use it: Go through these prompts when aiming to enhance leadership skills. You can also utilize the framework during periods of transition, to foster continuous improvement and adaptability in response to changing situations.

Purpose: Great leadership relies on our ability to regularly self-reflect and adapt to ever changing situations. It also helps us to hone in on our strengths and identify our growth opportunities so that we can take action to develop our skills. 

How to:

Below you will find a list of skills that underpin our 3C’s leadership framework. We invite you to engage in some self-reflection by answering these questions in light of the 3 areas below:

+ Which skills do you excel in? If you’re unsure, ask a friend or a colleague for feedback.

+ Which skills make you feel uncomfortable? Why is that? 

+ Which skills would you like to develop further?

+ Who do you know that is a great role model for any of the skills you’d like to develop?

+ Can you reach out to them for advice, mentoring or coaching?

💡 Leadership Top tips

Allow us to introduce our secret recipe for effective leadership – the '3C’s of Leadership' framework.
Let's break it down:

+ Capability: how a leader creates a high-performance team working towards the vision of the company and that individuals are sufficiently contributing and developing within their roles.
+ Compassion: how leaders bring a human touch to their leadership approach and use empathy to connect with and support individuals in their team.
+ Community: how leaders create connections and foster a sense of belonging within their teams, allowing people to thrive and succeed together.

When we balance all three of these, we create space for high performance, empathy, and connection within our teams. The perfect combo for happy, healthy employees who proactively contribute to a more productive and successful company.


What happens when founders fail to invest in their culture?


Framework: the Wellbeing Wheel